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    There are toupees and full wigs depending on how you wear wigs. There are fixed and detachable attachment methods, and you can choose the one that is convenient for your lifestyle.

    In the case of the fixed type, you can freely do activities in all your life, such as high-activity exercise, swimming, and sauna, and you do not have to worry about the product falling off your body. In the case of the detachable type, light exercise is possible and it is easy to wear and take off when the customer wants.

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    When you first wear the product, you may think that it is a little awkward because it is not familiar. Wigs are similar to glasses, so there may be some discomfort in the first few days, but like glasses, if you don't have them after a certain period of time, you can see them as a necessity for uncomfortable life. When wearing the product, the [wig] is not displayed at all, and the naturalness and richness can be maintained just like your own hair.

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    [3D Scanner System], developed with Hi-MO's own technology, is a three-dimensional stereoscopic head measuring machine that accurately measures the inside and outside of the customer's head using a computer and realizes the data through molding techniques. [3D scanner system] can be thought of as a state-of-the-art device that measures the customer's head before ordering the product in order to produce a more natural and comfortable product.

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    [Virtual Hair System] is a virtual simulation program that allows you to pre-match a variety of styles using the Hi-MO Wig DB for photos before wearing your product and check the image after wearing the product in advance.

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